Lavender Honey – Earl Grey Whoopie Pies

October 24, 2018 § 2 Comments

IMG_0441__1_ copy.jpgThe thought of snuggling up with a cup of tea is so cozy and perfect for this chillier fall weather that I have been adding tea to almost all of my baked goods lately. Another reason may also be because I recently bought huge bags of loose-leaf earl grey and organic lavender buds (because… value, and I also tend to go a little overboard) so I hope you don’t mind seeing a bunch of recipes with these flavors!IMG_0434I have been baking lots of thank you treats for dear friends of mine who have made generous donations to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) in honor of my mother who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma earlier this year. Each fall, the LLS hosts Light the Night events around the country to honor, remember, celebrate, and support those affected by blood cancers and the money raised goes towards cancer treatment research. I am attending the one in Queens this Saturday and leading up to it, I wanted to give my friends baked goods that would hopefully convey how much I appreciate their donations and support. Since I find that adding tea and lavender to a dessert instantly makes it more special and sophisticated (as well as delicious), I made a batch of these Lavender Honey-Earl Grey Whoopie Pies to hand deliver to my friends.IMG_0442 copyIMG_0447These whoopie pies are basically my Lavender-Honey Cupcakes infused with earl grey and in sandwich form. Those cupcakes are some of my absolute favorites so I knew they would be perfect to transform into these cute, old-fashioned whoopie pies with a modern twist! The cakes are moist, buttery, and have a subtle undertone of earl grey, which pairs wonderfully with the creamy, floral lavender buttercream. These whoopie pies are also so easy to make and a yummy alternative to cupcakes, especially if you can’t find your cupcake pan, don’t have cupcake liners on hand, or need a treat that is easy to transport!

I am so happy that my friends loved these Lavender Honey-Earl Grey Whoopie Pies and I hope you enjoy them too!

If you wish to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to advance cancer treatment research that improves the quality of life for cancer patients, you can donate here. Thank you in advance for your support!IMG_0455 « Read the rest of this entry »

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